I had 10 seconds to say anything at https://designersandgeeks.com
I went like this...
Last nite at City Dance I met the https://miao.supply founder who gave me this amazing pin full of good energy. I'm allergic to cats. If anyone would like to offer me any money for it...that'd help support me doing work I believe in on https://feels.ink
In my dreams someone would have offered me thousands.
I'm 5 grand behind on rent =(
I accepted a 5 dollar offer from a Gemini named Sara(h)
It felt fucking amazing to get paid for anything...after being fired again and again...for being creative...for caring...for favoring inclusion.
I love naming. I washed away the names that hurt me https://git.io/adulting
It took me a year to get my self respect back.
2019 is gonna be a super creative year for me. Emotionally I can't waste it. To succeed I need to be able to create on my own terms. Create my own rules. Create opportunities. Multiply them with life.
Explore https://s9a.github.io aka https://feels.ink because
is fun to say. s9a is like synesthesia with open code and open servicesExpression projects like v11y https://s9a.github.io/v11y feel fulfilling while staying simple and easy to learn from. Universal inspiration. Made with just a few lines of HTML and CSS
Money sux. I way overextended myself and need help stabilizing enough to make it further. My instinct tells me I'm on the right path for me now.
My dream here with this fundraiser is to raise enough money to get me into June. June marks my 5 years here in San Francisco. Someone told me it takes 5 years to gain local status here. Many leave. Many are stuck. Watch the movie Blindspotting sometime about the bae area. I wanna flood this fiery place with bae water like love poetion dancing thru your sol
Trust me. This is a great time to...
- Believe in me
- Dream with me
- Empower me
Thank YOU so effing much for...
- any amount at all
- reading this
- sharing anywhere
- believing ♥
- dreaming ♥
- empowering ♥
I was nervous about which foto to use. I used pure color
instead. Love. Local. Welcome to the bae ♥